The Medical and Dental Clinic at Mission First provides services through charitable giving, and operates with professional staff and volunteers. Services provided include: general dentistry and adult primary care. In addition to meeting physical needs, the staff and volunteers of Mission First listen to patient’s concerns, pray with them and offer Biblical guidance.
Our Medical/Dental Clinic has several partners in our ministry. One of our leading partners is with Baptist Health Systems. Baptist Health is a big contributor to our clinic and assists us in meeting the needs of our patients.
Our clinic office is opened Tuesday through Friday from 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM. However, our schedule for accepting patients varies based on the availability of our providers.
To schedule an appointment during regular business hours or to volunteer at any location call us at:

Mission First Main Clinic
Jackson, MS 39203
Mission First Madison Clinic
Madison, MS 39110
Mission First Pearl Clinic*
Pearl, MS 39208
*Mission First Pearl Clinic provides services through charitable giving and operates with professional staff and volunteers. Services provided include: adult primary care and gynecology. The staff and volunteers of Mission First listen to patient’s concerns and are available to pray with them and offer Biblical guidance.
Our schedule for accepting patients varies based on the availability of our providers.
La Clínica Médica Missión First Perla servicios a través de donaciones caritativas y opera con personal profesional y voluntario. Los servicios proporcionados incluyen: atención primaria de adultos y ginecología. El personal y los voluntarios de Mission First escuchan las preocupaciones de los pacientes y están disponibles para orar con ellos y ofrecerles orientación bíblica.
Nuestro horario para aceptar pacientes varía de acuerdo a la disponibilidad de nuestros doctores.
Medical Eligibility
Please notice (for medical patients ONLY) : if you currently have private insurance, you are not eligible to become a medical patient with us.
We are now seeing patients qualifying for medicare or medicaid.
The cost is $10 per office visit.
The income cap is $30,000 annual income per single and $60,000 annual income per couple.
Medical Intake Information
You can download a form complete and bring with you and a state i.d. or driver’s license to your first intake appointment.
Walk-in intake appointments are Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM.
Click to download our medical form:
Need a tax return transcript? Follow the instructions here.
"I have volunteered at Mission First as a registered nurse for years. Coming to Mission First makes me happy! I get to minister to others and hopefully help the patients receive the healthcare they need and also to feel at home. Thank you, Mission First, for loving me and allowing me to be a part of the Mission First team!"
-Catherine Broom, Mission First Volunteer Nurse